With our extensive knowledge of all taxes, such as wage, sales and corporate tax, we can fully support you in the public sector. Naturally, we are aware of other legislation that is important for taxation in the public sector and associated points of interest. For the healthcare and welfare sector, consider ANBI status, WNT, Healthcare Governance Code and the Wtza. You have also come to the right place for specific legislation and regulations for housing associations, educational institutions, municipalities and joint arrangements.
Customized support
We are aware of the most recent developments and understand the challenges you face. Do you need help in obtaining ANBI status, do you want guidance with an acquisition or legal merger, do you want the articles of association tested or support in monitoring the tax process? We are ready to help you with tax matters in the public sector.
We would like to work with you!
Are you curious about what we can do for you? Don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, we can discuss the possibilities.